Thursday, January 25, 2007

New episodes

The new Prison Break was on last Monday and it was good lol. or at least i thought it was good. and theres another new one tonight which im pretty excited about.
Also Er last week was pretty intense, Luka at gun point the hole time. And i had heard talk about Goran leaving but i though killing him would be the only way to take him out without Abby leaving so i was sure Luka was going to die...but he didn't but he did get the S**t beating outa him. but either way he's still alive.
Haven't watched Bones or House lately b/c i got practice on those days or im busy so im a little behind on those ones but i'll catch up!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New Shows soon

Hey haven't written anything in here lately, hasn't been any new shows on.
Everythin is starting back up again soon
I watched the new CSI Miami last night and it was pretty good
Pretty excited for the new prison break episode
same with bones and house
and i can't wait until ER's driving me crazy lol