Friday, December 22, 2006


I actually just discovered i like repeats b/c and lets me rewatch the good one or see the ones i missed which are a lot of epidsodes. like Bones for instence i haven't seen most of last years b/c i always had something on Wednesdays but i saw one i never saw and it was good. Same with House...saw a new repeat on Tuesday. and Damn i miss Prison Break : But anyway thats about all i have to say right now!
MERRY CHRISTMAS or Happy Holidays

Friday, December 08, 2006

Prison Break- Break

So Prison Break is taking a break until the new year, which kinda of sucks but i'm pretty stoked to see the new one! Hoping of course that Michael and Link get out....alive and also hoping that the whole Michael/ Sara thing works out b/c it was pretty cute when she called even though he couldn't pick it up. This shows is really good for Wentworth Miller, now he'll get recognized for what he can really do, and not be put in thses low grade movies any more. And in the show i was kinda wondering what happen to LJ b/c he wasn't in like the last two or three epidsodes so I don't know what happened to him!.... And Sucre....what happened to him? he was in the middle of the desert with nothing last time me saw him! But anyway....